"the squeaky wheel gets the grease" SEGD Conference

Lately there have been a number of interesting events happening in Lisbon, last night I attended the Conference of Society for Environmental Graphic Design.  Hosted by local design studio P-06, converted their under-construction studio into a fun improvised space, decorated with blunt wall signage of many Portuguese sayings on the speciality of "making-do" (desenrrascar). Showcased work of P-06, grown-breaking projects in Portugal and abroad, with a beautiful relationship between graphics and architecture has won them a Red Dot Award.  Two brilliant studios which have won their reputation for information graphics, signage and wayfinding -  Alexandra Wood founding partner of Holmes-Wood London and David Gibson founding partner of TwoTwelve New York. Had the opportunity of a brief chat with David Gibson, extremely approachable and welcoming, on the sustainable design policy of his studio and how this was an inspiration for my own.


Levi's "Go Forth"


Highlights & Puns EXD'11/LISBOA