DR. JOANA C LEMOS Research Director

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PhD Research Week 15 Y2

"The important thing is to understand life, each living individuality, not as a form, or a development of form, but as a complex relation between differential velocities, between deceleration and acceleration of particles.  A composition of speeds and slownesses on a plane of immanence."Gilles Deleuze, Spinoza: Practical Philosophy, trans. Robert Hurley (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1988) 123.


DESIS talk at Central Saint Martins Collaborative Services in Informal Settlements:  Service Design and Social Innovation in Rio de Janeiro

Carla Cipolla Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ

Carla Cipolla is associate professor of the Production Engineering Program of Coppe / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is also a founding member of the DESIS Lab there. Her research and design activities focus on service design and design for social innovation, emphasizing international cooperative and comparative projects of relevance to specific Brazilian issues. She coordinates a DESIS Network thematic cluster called Informal, Formal and Collaborative (IFC) that aims to identify potential ideas for a new generation of services that could be designed from the underserved communities’ perspective.

- from Design Against Crime website


Favela da Babilônia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Service based on total use of vegetables and fruits  (including skin/peels, generally considered as waste) to prepare buffets, teach how to cook and to create home gardens.

Regina Tchelly cooks since she was 15 years-old. Eleven years ago, she decided to leave Paraíba, northeast of Brazil, to live in Rio de Janeiro, looking for better conditions of work. Her dream was always to become a restaurant chef. When she arrived in Rio, she went to live in the favela da Babilônia, south zone of the city. She started to work as a house cleaner. With the money she saved, she decided to start her own project.

- from website