Makeshift Mag
Makeshift arrived in the post the other day, all the way from NY to Lisbon, smelling of fresh print on the nice weight recycled paper stock, and the Holstee manifesto up front - awesome. Makeshift is a quarterly magazine focused on grassroots creativity and invention around the world, published by Analogue Digital, edited by Steve Daniels founder of A Better World By Design.
Issue #1 focuses on concept of Re-Culture - the world on reuse, repair, and recycling at the grassroots.. features articles and photography from a series of contributors (some Sandboxers) based around the world (including Alicia Sully of What Took You So Long Foundation, whom I recently met up with in Portugal and together checked out a Donkey Dairy - will write another post on that!).
Issue #2 Mobility is now out - rock on guys.